About Me

Hi I'm Hadiya the brains behind Bakecakesandeatkale! I welcome you to my food blog where I will be talking about the food I make and enjoy while sharing fabulous recipes with you all. From time to time I will also be leaving food reviews I have tasted in restaurants and from the buzzing supermarkets. Be sure to look out for my information regarding the health benefits of foods I use in my everyday staples, you may even be surprised by a few! 
Any images of food or recipes which are not mine will be credited and/or referenced to the original source where possible.

Why BakeCakesAndEatKale I hear you ask??It's simple I love cakes and kale (not together of course! well maybe.) Over the years I have developed an uncontrollable sweet tooth for cakes and all things sweet, but when I say uncontrollable I mean ridiculously uncontrollable. After having my second child my sweet tooth got so out of hand I got scared and decided to do something about it. Now I have always been a relatively healthy eater but I used to eat these things because I was told they were good for me and not because they tasted nice. Then I stumbled across this amazing vegetable called KALE! The health benefits are crazy and tastes so damn good! you can freeze it, store it in the fridge, throw it in a smoothie maker with cucumber avacado and bananas and make the most amazing green smoothie, or toss up a ceaser salad and chuck some kale in with a dash of lemon juice! No vegetable could taste better! (I don't think anyway) So now I try to incorporate kale where ever I can.
I enjoy healthy eating but there are days when I want to indulge in a dark chocolate or make a vanilla cake with a chocolate gnache filling. So I do both! I eat healthy most days and pig out on some.. Its all about Balance right?!
As my relationship with food improves and I  find new ways to eat healthy I aim to share the benefits of healthy eating with you and share how you can be perfectly fit and healthy but "PIG OUT" too!