All About My LEMONS!!
Lemons clean everything! It's the greatest disinfectant" - Sandra Bullock
Let me tell you Sandra Bullock never lied!
Have you ever cleaned your house with fresh lemon juice before? Or had a cup of warm water with a few slices of lemon for breakfast? My goodness!
Lemons are those things that just solve everything and has a use for everything. I mean what can't you use lemons for?
So because I love lemons so much I thought id share how we use lemons in my household.
My Husband:
My husband makes the meanest fresh lemonade on the weekends. It involves 6 lemons filtered water and honey.Oh and a secret ingredient that I'm yet to figure out! All I know is it tastes top notch!
He also uses lemons to wash our microwave. Now I didn't know this but did you know if you place a few sliced lemons and a bit of lemon zest in a container with water in your microwave for about 5-10 minutes it removes most of the grease and dirt? Yep it really works not only that your microwave smells of lemons. Amazing right?
My Daughters:
My youngest little one is almost 9 months now so she is yet to discover the amazing uses of lemons but ill tell you something a slice of lemon keeps her quiet for about 2 minutes! She loves them! whenever I cook with them she ends up with one in her mouth. Now my other little one who isn't so little any more is 5 going on 15 and she's another fan of licking lemons, (weird right? I know I thought the same thing) not only does she help her dad make lemonade on the weekends she stops us from throwing them away so she can use them for her artwork. she dips them in paint and creates a lovely masterpiece!
Then There's Me!
Gosh what don't I use lemons for? I clean with them by either putting a few drops of lemon juice on to a cloth after emptying out my fridge and do a quick wipe over to get rid of all those bad odours. Or during the winter especially I add lemon peels cinnamon sticks and apple skins to some water place it on my stove and leave to simmer... The house smells divine!!!
I use it to wash my chicken meat fish and vegetables. It serves as a disinfectant when you've cut yourself etc. Mix lemon juice honey and coconut oil in a bowl ad use as a face scrub. Look I use lemons for everything but my most important use for lemons is making lemon water in the mornings. I never go without it and let me tell you why.
- One slice of lemon in warm water is just one calorie! One!
- It's a great source of vitamin C so it protects the body from any deficiencies in the immune system.
- It helps maintain the PH levels in the body.
- It flushes out all unwanted toxins in the body.
- It helps reduce pain and inflammation of the joints which is so beneficial to me as I suffer from bad knees.
- It helps prevent and diminish acne. rub a lemon on your spots before bed or dab some lemon juice on a cotton wool and wipe your face.
- The potassium helps nourish the brain cells
- It aids digestion
So make it a point of drinking a cup of warm lemon water every morning or just before bed.
REMEMBER! To rinse your mouth out with water after consuming lemons as when they are not diluted they can ruin the enamel on your teeth.